
Forschungs-Labor für ganzheitliche Lebensmittel-Qualität
Research Laboratory for Holistic Food Quality

LifevisionLab Walter Dänzer, Turmstr. 6, CH-8952 Schlieren-Zürich, Schweiz / Switzerland, Tel. +41 (0)44 731 1226, Fax +41 (0)44 731 1275, email:

Die Soyana-Methode

Kristallbilder, die Ordnung sichtbar machen


Kristallbilder, die Ordnung sichtbar machen

Die Soyana-Methode ist die von dem Schweizer Lebensmittel- Pionier Soyana in über 15 Jahren perfektionierte, standardisierte Methode zur Erforschung der Ordnungskraft in Wasser, in Lebensmitteln und in anderen Stoffen.
Als wir nach der für uns am besten geeigneten Methode gesucht haben, kannten wir bereits die grossen Beispiele vor uns, die sehr schöne Resultate publiziert haben. Dazu gehören die von Rudolf Steiner inspirierten bildschaffenden Methoden, z.B. auf einer metallischen Matrix wie Kupferchlorid Tröpfchen von Lebensmitteln auszukristallisieren, oder Masaru Emotos Experimente mit gefrorenem Wasser, und Ehrenfried Pfeiffer und einigen Heilpraktikern, die ebenfalls Wasser und dazu noch Körperflüssigkeiten aus Interesse zum Heilen untersuchten. So schön und so überzeugend die damit gewonnen Ergebnisse auch sind, uns schwebte ein Prozess vor, bei dem nur das untersuchte Lebensmittel allein das Kristallisationsbild gestalten würde, also keine metallische Grundlage, die natürlich immer ähnliche Bilder ergibt, die nur
mit grosser Fachkenntnis interpretiert werden können. Wir verlangten von unserer Methode, dass die dabei entstehenden Bilder von jedermann sofort verstanden werden, und dass die Methode auch erlaubt, jedes Lebensmittel zu untersuchen, und zwar in seiner Ganzheit, so dass man idealerweise das Wesen des Lebensmittels erkennen kann, also nicht nur eine besondere Eigenschaft in einem einzelnen Kristall wie bei Emotos Wasserkristallen, sondern die ganze Bandbreite aller Eigenschaften, eine ganze Kristall-Landschaft also.
Auf diese Weise haben wir die uralte Spagyrik entdeckt und dann zum genau standardisierten Extraktions-Prozess weiterentwickelt, bis wir schliesslich mit dem sog. SAT- Protokoll (Soyana Advanced Technology Protocol) das gewünschte Ergebnis erreichen konnten. Wir nennen es ganz einfach Soyana-Methode.

Die Soyana-Methode ist ein Prozess, der inspiriert von dem ursprünglichen europäischen spagyrischen Konzept von Energie und Alchemie (All-Chemie) mit Hilfe der „Subtle- Energy-Science“ und der Quanten-Physik, die die unendlichen Cluster- und Sedimentations-Verhaltensweisen und -Potentiale von Mineralstoffen und anderen Substanzen studieren, vom LifevisionLab-Forschungs-Team von Soyana zu einem modernen Konzept weiter entwickelt wurde.
Der Prozess kann vereinfacht so beschrieben werden:
Von einem Lebensmittel wird mit einem genau standardisierten Protokoll eine Probeflüssigkeit präpariert, die die Ordnungskraft dieses Lebenmittels ausgeprägt zum Vorschein bringt. (Dauer ein Tag) Die so gewonnene Flüssigkeit wird als Tröpfchen auf ein Reagenzglas gegeben und bei immer gleichen Bedingungen getrocknet und dadurch auskristallisiert. (Dauer eine Nacht)
Die eingetrockneten Tröpfchen werden unter dem Mikroskop betrachtet und fotografiert; die Fotos werden archiviert.Diese Methode hat mehrere Vorteile. Die Bilder erlauben uns, ganze Kristall-Landschaften zu betrachten, die nichts anderes sind als die eingetrockneten Mineralstoffe des untersuchten Lebensmittels. Aber die im Lebensmittel enthaltene Ordnungskraft bestimmt, WIE sich die Mineralstoffe anordnen. So ergeben sich charakteristische Bilder für jedes Lebensmittel, obwohl unendlich viele Möglichkeiten bestehen, wie sich ein Bild gestalten könnte. Gleichzeitig sind diese Bilder von allen Menschen sofort und ohne Schulung richtig interpretierbar, die offen sind, neue Horizonte zu betrachten, ob man das jetzt als Wissenschaft anerkennen will oder nicht. Wichtig war uns, eine saubere Arbeit zu leisten, die wiederholbare und von allen Menschen lesbare Botschaften bringt.
Zum genaueren Studium verweisen wir auf den Fachbeitrag von Dr. Kausal C. Cortella, während vieler Jahre Leiter des LifevisionLabs von Soyana.

Crystal images revealing order

The Soyana Method, perfected and standardized since 1996 by Swiss food pioneer Soyana, is the method of researching the life-energy or order force (life design principle) in water, food and other substances.

Before looking for the most suitable method for us, we
already knew the wonderful results published by our great predecessors. Among those are the image generating methods inspired by Rudolf Steiner, such as crystallizing drops of food on a metallic matrix of copper chloride, or Masaru Emoto’s experiments with frozen water, as well as Ehrenfried Pfeiffer and other naturopaths who researched the properties of water and also bodily fluids for healing purposes. Although their results are wonderful and convincing, our idea was different: We were looking for a process whereby a suitable image would arise solely from the water or food substance itself,
not from a metallic matrix that yields images that can only be interpreted by those with expert knowledge. The requested method was to create images that can be understood

immediately by anyone. We hoped to find a method that would be able to investigate every kind of food and show infinitely different images according to the characteristics of the food. Ideally this method would allow one to know the essence

of foods, not just one special feature in a single crystal, like Emoto’s water crystals, but the whole bandwidth of features, an entire crystal landscape, so to speak.

In this way, we discovered the ancient spagyric method. We developed it further into a precisely standardized extraction process, until we were finally able to achieve the desired result through the so called SAT-Protocol (Soyana Advanced Technology Protocol). We simply call it the Soyana Method.

The Soyana Method is a process that studies the infinite behavior and potential of the clusters and sedimentations of minerals and other substances. Inspired by the originally European spagyric concept of energy and alchemy (holistic chemistry), and further aided by ideas derived from

Subtle-Energy-Science, ultra-high dilution physics and quantum physics, it has been further developed into a modern concept by Soyana’s LifevisionLab research team.

In simplified form the process can be described as follows:

Using a precise standardized protocol, a test liquid is extracted from a particular food item. The purpose of the extraction is to distinctly bring to the fore the life-energy or order force of that particular food. (Duration: one day)

Droplets of this liquid extract are then placed onto a test tube, and dried and crystallized under specified, unchanging conditions. (Duration: one night)

The dried drops are studied and photographed under a microscope; the photos are then archived.

This method has several benefits. The photos allow us to observe entire crystal landscapes, which are nothing other than dried up minerals from the corresponding food item. But the life design principle or order force inside the food item determines how the minerals organize themselves. This allows for characteristic images for each food item, from among the infinite possibilities of how an image could form. At the same time these images can immediately be interpreted correctly and without any training by people who are open to new horizons, whether one wants to accept the method formally
as scientific or not. For us the most important thing is to do a clean job, one that is replicable and that delivers messages that can be read and understood by all people.

Immagini cristallogra che per rendere visibile l'ordine

Il metodo Soyana è stato elaborato, perfezionato nel corso di 15 anni e standardizzato dall'azienda alimentare pionieristica Soyana per analizzare l'energia ordinatrice nell'acqua, negli alimenti e in altre sostanze.

Quando abbiamo cercato il metodo a noi più congeniale, conoscevamo già i grandi modelli prima di noi e gli ottimi risultati pubblicati, tra cui i metodi di cristallizzazione sensibile ispirati a Rudolf Steiner, in cui campioni di alimenti, posti in soluzione acquosa con l'aggiunta di una matrice metallica come il cloruro di rame, cristallizzano; o gli esperimenti di Masaru Emoto con l'acqua ghiacciata e quelli di Ehrenfried Pfeiffer

e di altri naturopati che hanno indagato a fini terapeutici le proprietà dell'acqua e di altri liquidi corporei. Per quanto fossero belli e convincenti i risultati ottenuti, noi avevamo
in mente un procedimento in cui solo l'alimento analizzato avrebbe creato l'immagine cristallografica, senza l'utilizzo della matrice metallica, che produce immagini molto simili tra loro e quindi difficilmente interpretabili. Il nostro metodo, invece, avrebbe dovuto produrre immagini immediatamente

comprensibili da parte di chiunque e avrebbe dovuto analizzare ogni alimento nella sua interezza, in modo da portare alla luce l'essenza del prodotto stesso, non una particolare caratteristica in un unico cristallo (come accade invece nei cristalli d'acqua

di Emoto) ma l'intera gamma delle caratteristiche: un intero paesaggio cristallizzato.

Abbiamo così scoperto l'antica spagiria e abbiamo sviluppato un metodo di estrazione standardizzato, fino a raggiungere con il protocollo denominato SAT (Soyana Advanced Technology Protocol), o più semplicemente Metodo Soyana, il risultato auspicato.

Il Metodo Soyana è un procedimento, ispirato all'originario concetto spagirico europeo di energia e alchimia, che il team di ricercatori LifevisionLab di Soyana ha sviluppato in armonia con i moderni concetti scientifici come la scienza delle energie sottili e la fisica quantistica, che studiano gli infiniti comportamenti e potenziali di clusterizzazione e sedimentazione dei metalli e di altre sostanze.

In parole semplici, il procedimento può essere descritto come segue:

Secondo un protocollo standardizzato viene preparata
una soluzione di un determinato alimento, la quale mostra l'energia ordinatrice intrinseca di quell'alimento (durata: un giorno). Dalla soluzione così ottenuta viene prelevata una goccia, che viene trasferita su un vetrino e, in condizioni sempre uguali, disidratata e cristallizzata (durata: una notte). La goccia asciugata viene osservata al microscopio e fotografata; le foto vengono archiviate.

Questo metodo presenta molti vantaggi: le immagini ci permettono di osservare interi paesaggi cristallizzati, i quali non rappresentano altro che la sostanza minerale disidratata dell'alimento analizzato. È l'energia ordinatrice contenuta nell'alimento a stabilire COME si ord inano i minerali. Per ogni alimento, quindi, si formano immagini caratteristiche, anche se i modi in cui un'immagine può formarsi sono infiniti. Le immagini sono facilmente interpretabili da parte
di chiunque, senza bisogno di una particolare formazione,
e aprono nuovi orizzonti, che li si consideri scientifici o no. Per noi era importante fare un lavoro accurato, in grado di comunicare messaggi ripetibili e comprensibili a tutti.

Articles by Dr. Kausal C. Cortella, former director of the LifevisionLab

The principal technique employed by LifevisionLab was spagiric advanced technology (SAT).
SAT is an analytical methodology based on crystallographic precipitation, a procedure inspired by scientific theory regarding modern biophysics. It is capable of expressing the vital energy of an organic product.
This remarkable technique assesses the subtle quality of food products via firstly, a highly delicate diagnosis performed on crystallographic phenomena produced by a high-temperature extraction process and secondly, successive microscopic and photographic analysis on a dark field at high definition.
The crystalline structures revealed by the SAT method are generated by the bio-energetic characteristics of the substance being examined, and they express all its vital activities, as well as its biological value.
A SAT assessment analyses various qualitative parameters that are expressed in absolute values from 1 to 10, in which the higher the score, the higher the bio-energetic value of the sample under study.
These values are highly sensitive to the degree of product purity and integrity which in turn are closely linked to the method of cultivation, transformation and processing adopted during the entire manufacturing process. The assessment of the parameters and crystal types encountered in repeated crystallization samples denotes the substance's energy footprint at the time at which the sample is taken and analyzed.
Micro-crystalline structures have an active biological value that would be impossible to determine using other methods.
LifevisionLab has created a standardized process called the SAT methodology which achieves results that can be duplicated. In association with other crystallographic techniques, the LifevisionLab procedure offers a unique, innovative and complete evaluation of all dynamic crystallographic energy processes. Because it is used to study the role of subtle energy in matter, SAT is not a method taken into official consideration by science, which studies the behaviour of matter and pure particle physics. Ultimately, the three fields of matter, energy, and subtle energetic interaction will be recognized as fundamentally interlinked. The SAT procedure was not devised as a method to replace other conventional scientific methods of analysis. Neither can it be considered as scientifically proven. The techniques utilized by LifevisionLab are not designed for the prevention or diagnosis of medical pathologies, nor for the conduct of chemical or organoleptic analytical procedures.

The S.A.T. (SPAGYRIC ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY) technique is a Swiss method of crystallographic analytic research that enables us to create liquid crystals from test samples, which are analyzed without the addition of external reagents, whether chemical or of other nature, and using just the substance of the sample itself. The results of crystallization offer a precise indication of the nature, energetic quality, and significant force factors present in the samples analyzed.
For this reason, SAT can be used in the following applications:
- To determine the quality of water, assessing the improvements attained by energization and filtration techniques;
- To test the energetic quality of beverages and foods facilitating the comparison of different samples or organic substances with conventionally-produced substances;
- To assess real food quality in all areas of food science and in biodynamic, organic and conventional agriculture;
- To assess soil quality for agriculture, or to conduct research on soil structure and quality for building construction (in geology and geo-biology);
- To conduct tests and procedures for research into the energetic quality of plant remedies, Bach's flower remedies, homeopathy, cosmetic ranges, essential oils, and various types of vibrational remedies;
- To conduct advanced research on enhancing energy levels in the production chain facilitating subsequent energetic certification of the product through monitoring of the results.
Conventional crystallization processes and work on microcrystalline structure, such as in raw materials, give rise to classical forms, whether rhomboid, tetrahedral, hexagonal etc. Such research provides indications regarding a substance's physical properties. These tests are generally performed on raw materials in order to define their intrinsic physical properties such as solidity, strength, permeability and conductivity. In addition, specific crystalline structures provide indications of what substances are contained in a compound material. However, an assessment of the energetic quality of a substance and its vitalistic properties cannot be supplied by this sort of research. This is why LifevisionLab developed the new SAT methodology and has worked with it in Switzerland for over fifteen years. This method makes it possible to conduct research on the hidden properties of substances, consistently analyzing the qualities of various food products and plant-derived preparations made by various companies, including Soyana in the organic foods sector.
by Dr. Kausal C. Cortella, Former Director of the LifevisionLab of Soyana Walter Dänzer, Schlieren-Zürich, Switzerland

Macrocrystalline structure is a term that has been coined in cooperation with other laboratories. It refers to the following observable factors:

- Macrocrystalline order appears and can be seen in a sample by means of the intrinsic forces present in nature;
- The effects of these intrinsic formative forces induce macrocrystals to take on various patterns, with a greater or lesser degree of harmony;
- Crystals do not appear only in the conventional forms generated by research; rather they develop complex and varied forms deriving from the infinite combinations found in nature;
- These complex clusters determine the nature of the developing crystals and provide a visual indication of the presence of cohesive forces, which may be coherent or disharmonic according to the quality of the substance;
- The assessment of the parameters and structures appearing consistently in an appreciable number of crystallization samples provides an indication of the energy footprint of the substance subject to analysis;
- The microcrystals indicate active biological values that would be impossible to determine using other methods.

The LifevisionLab laboratory employs a traditional energetic crystallization technique in combination with modern discoveries, namely microscopy, digital photography, quantum physics and morphogenetic science. ***

- Average time required for the completion of a single S.A.T. extraction procedure: 6 hours.
- Average time required for the observation of a single S.A.T. extraction procedure: 3 hours.

The time required for a complete interpretation of SAT crystallographic analysis varies from a few hours to a few days.
The interpretation of crystallographic results is performed by qualified technicians utilizing the following factors and parameters of interpretation:
- Crystal formative power;
- The appearance of energetic matrixes;
- Determination of the type and organic nature of energetic matrixes;
- The intrinsic form of crystalline aggregates and the study of fields of coherence;
- Localization of crystals in the macromolecule;
- Angular structures and shape relations;
- Areas of disorganized crystallization, or dark areas in which sedimentation is inconsistent;
- Areas in which no crystals are present;
- Perimeter or outline structures in the precipitate;
- Formation of radiance fields;
- Depiction of crystallization (topography) in general;
- Radial configurations;
- Concave forms, transitional forms, straight furrow forms;
- Aggregative force, the pervasive diffusion of information;
- Chromatographic interpretation, colour and clarity of structures;
- Systematic nature, symmetry and analogical forms of crystalline structures.
- A reactive bio-physic parameter with energized liquid QOW (quantic Ojas water).
by Dr. Kausal C. Cortella, Former Director of the LifevisionLab of Soyana Walter Dänzer, Schlieren-Zürich, Switzerland

From the scientific point of view, the specific properties of crystals (shine, semi-conductivity, iridescence, transparency, piezoelectricity etc.) are based on their constituent atomic and molecular structures, based on symmetry. There are a number of definite centres, axes and planes of symmetry, which are used to classify crystals. The total number of combinations results in 32 classes of crystals, which are in turn subdivided into 7 principal crystallization patterns. Holistic medicine (along with quantum physics) considers organisms more from the biophysical point of view, in other words in terms of a flow of information carried by an energetic structure. This flow of "vibrational" (or energetic) information in turn guides biochemical processes, and all this is held together by a superior spiritual dimension. Starting from these precepts, it is easy to understand how an orderly and coherent form of vibration can have a positive effect on a disharmonic vibration that brings imbalance. Likewise, the molecular and structural behaviour of a crystalline aggregate can be studied and determined according to its intrinsic qualities. What actually happens is just the "enhancement" of the original harmonic wave present in a healthy organic substance, by means of the phenomenon of harmonic resonance. It should be remembered that in biocybernetics, the following hypothesis is used: the greater the degree of symmetry and order in a system, the greater its level of health.
The SAT® procedure was specially developed in order to perform research on the intrinsic quality of products or preparations, and to analyze the quantum and vibrational behaviour of such materials. The study of crystallographic dynamics, and the study of clustering phenomena, are not new in the world of science. For example, in Germany and Switzerland, a science named ClusterAnalitica® has existed for over ten years. ClusterAnalitica® is based on ClusterMedizin®, an advanced diagnostic and therapeutic system that combines the most advanced scientific research with traditional holistic science. Data is obtained by means of the spagyric preparation of a sample, which is generally saliva, but also includes other bodily substances. The crystallized substance is observed using a dark-field microscope, and analyzed according to the principles of fractal geometry. This enables it to be compared, in an analogical manner, to other substances, whose results are contained in a large data bank. The comparison is made with the objective of identifying points of similarity. The analytical results offer a detailed psychosomatic description and provide a precise indication of the choice of remedies, such as, for example, homeopathic simillum, the most suitable Bach's flower remedies for the given situation,

Schüssler salts, orthomolecular preparations, spagyric essences, plant-derived preparations, etc.
ClusterMedizin® is based on the philosophical approach and work performed by Paracelsus and by Zimpel's spagyric studies.
At present, in various locations worldwide, work is being performed using highly advanced and progressive computer systems which utilize models derived from quantum physics, fractal mathematics and evolutionist biology.
SAT® achieved its discoveries over the last ten years, independently from work on clusterization medicine. It is very interesting, and perhaps surprising, to find that apparently different areas of research are giving rise to the same conclusions, and the discovery of morphogenic or morphogenetic fields.
SAT® research looks at the behaviour of crystallized macromolecules forming in liquids that were previously treated using special SAT® extraction methods. The sample's characteristic clusters are studied, and this is performed on hundreds of primary sedimentation samples in order to determine the typical energetic structure or structures for the sample. What is the origin of the word "Cluster"? A cluster in this case describes molecular groups of similar form (also called similar groups). For example, cluster structures in water make it possible to store and transport certain forms of information based on a characteristic spatial organization (conformity), which can be considered as incorporating a code or "time-space key," the so-called "Numerical sequence“.
What is the difference between SAT® and other methods of crystallographic study?
The distinctive feature of SAT® is the graphic language developed for it (crystal shapes and geometry), by means of which it is possible to put the physical properties of a substance into relation with its energetic qualities and its morphogenetic characteristics. The SAT technique utilizes an analogical method of comparison. It compares the image of crystalline precipitates formed during a long and meticulous extractive process performed on the products under analysis with the images of hundreds of thousands of other models that are present in nature, obtaining valuable information regarding the biological quality present in the respective matrix. Today, the SAT technique benefits from the latest knowledge regarding the theory of self-organization, research on morphogenetic science, quantum physics, computerized image classification, the fractal calculation of vectors and structures, and above all the atomic physics of water and its quantum behaviour.
by Dr. Kausal C. Cortella, Former Director of the LifevisionLab of Soyana Walter Dänzer, Schlieren-Zürich, Switzerland

Often we say: "we are what we eat." To a significant degree this is true, but it does not refer just to the type and quantity of substances that we eat, but above all to the unitary and synthetic quality of the natural organisms that we consume. In order to assess the quality of foods, it is not sufficient to consider the vitamins, proteins, amides, fats etc. that they contain, and neither their respective quantities. It is important to understand the "nutritional source" or, to express the concept differently and more accurately, the "vitalistic consistency" of the food. In nature, this is expressed by a specific morphology, which is in turn expressed by specific forms in the crystallization images.

It is obvious that the "vitalistic content" of a substance can be enhanced by appropriate methods of cultivation and processing. It is equally familiar that the chemical analysis of the components in a foodstuff is, in most cases, insufficient to distinguish a quality product from another product, except in "negative" terms, in other words by ascertaining the presence or absence of more or less toxic pollutants. The SAT crystallization images of foods provide an immediate indication of quality.
This form of quality control, performed by means of images, can thus provide valuable information both for consumers and manufacturers enhancing the intrinsic quality of food products.
by Dr. Kausal C. Cortella, Former Director of the LifevisionLab of Soyana Walter Dänzer, Schlieren-Zürich, Switzerland

The life field, or L-field, was proposed by Harold Saxton Burr, a researcher at Yale, as early as 1930. It is defined as the structure whose design underpins all expressions of life. Burr's original idea was based on bioelectrical data. Later, further contributions were added to the theory, considering factors such as quantum physics, and, more recently, the theory of superstrings. More specifically, this theoretical approach has, in the work of some scientists, been assimilated into the morphogenetic field proposed by R. Sheldrake.
This assimilation between structural substrate and morphogenetic field was accepted by Burr himself in 1972. Burr said, "the body's electrodynamic field functions as a substrate which conserves the "form" of adaptation of whatever material is brought into it, no matter how many times the material is changed”.
Current holistic biophysics now refers to quantum field concepts, and these characteristics are studied in biology as well.
Marco Bischof from the International Biophysics Institute has written, “The characteristics of a holistic form of biophysics, or a new science, are emerging. In this science, the precepts for this sort of field have to include the fact that it is based on the intrinsically holistic nature of quantum theory and on the properties of macroscopic quantum effects. These necessarily include the principles of non-localization, non-separability, and interconnection, which are necessarily based on the description of a field of reality and of the organism. This in turn ultimately includes the conscience.”
The process of morphogenesis, growth, differentiation and regeneration of macrocrystallization procedures are also explained by the construction and regulation of a field of primary interaction, which some scholars have defined as a coherent biophotonic field.
In this paper, we shall limit this description to a summary. We can point out that a traumatic event, such as the erroneous production of a remedy, or the use of toxic substances, could change the network of intermolecular communication, interrupting or blocking certain channels of communication. In this case, the intermolecular communication network could retain a memory of the event, creating patterns of growth, for example disharmonic crystallographic growth models (morphogenetic-motor fields) which are appropriate to the new organization,

in other words intrinsically functional, but dysfunctional with respect to the original network. This occurs both on the morphogenetic (somatic) plane, and on the plane of conscience (vehicle of information). In this sense, by using the SAT method, with natural extraction techniques, we have succeeded in "morphogenerating" the specific crystallographic organizational structures, even for purely vibrational remedies, as in the case of homeopathy with potencies that are higher than the Avocado number, meaning that matter is not actually present, or as in the case of Dr. Bach's flower remedies, in which we find a morphic structure, or a specific form for the various flowers.
An interesting concept that is developed by the SAT method is, to simplify, the concept of unitary existence, or organic uniqueness.
The word "organic" refers to an organized structure with a regular arrangement throughout its various consistent parts; a coherent and homogeneous structure; an organic whole. After all, organic chemistry is the area of chemistry dealing with organic substances, namely all carbon compounds. Carbon is simply a chemical element, forming 0.08% of the earth's crust. It exists in a pure state in nature in various forms (diamond, graphite), it is the principal constituent of coal, and it is a fundamental element in all organic compounds and living organisms, as well as limestone rock. This establishes a link between the living world and the non-living world, namely between that which is disordered and non-coherent, and that which is ordered and coherent according to a super-function, that of coherence itself.
The "network essential for connection" mentioned above could have the same function as a crystal grid, or it could even be a more complex form of organization. This leads us to believe that we can understand how a greater degree of crystalline organization, or its specific structure or energy pattern, provides evidence for a morphogenetic model that remains intact, or, to use another expression, for a quantum package that is perpetuated by the diffusion of a coherent field with specific fluctuations and information capable of organizing matter into organic and orderly clusters, keeping it connected.
by Dr. Kausal C. Cortella, Former Director of the LifevisionLab of Soyana Walter Dänzer, Schlieren-Zürich, Switzerland

Famous British biologist Rupert Sheldrake believes that biological systems are regulated not just by scientific "laws" but also by fields that he defines as morphogenetic, introducing the concept of structural or formative causation. According to his theory, when protein molecules first appeared, they could have grouped together in an infinite number of structural models. In fact, there are no laws that imply the production of any particular single form. However, when a certain number of molecules take on a certain configuration, all successive molecules, even at different times and at different positions, take on the same form, as if they were following a definite subtle order. In other words, when a molecule takes on a certain pattern or structural model, this affects other similar patterns.
These fields appeared as new creational forces in nature, but later they became models of subtle information, which were capable of affecting both inanimate and living elements. This would explain the synchronous crystallization of complex molecules, namely the appearance of new crystals in different laboratories, in different locations, without any apparent connection (as confirmed by LifevisionLab's experience in its Zurich and Moscow laboratories). Sheldrake's theory assumes that if an individual of a species learns a new form of behaviour, the morphogenetic field changes, while morphic resonance, like a form of vibration, is transmitted to the entire species. The scientist also made a distinction between morphogenetic causation and energetic causation.
Sheldrake's theories were in fact based on a deep-rooted need to find suitable answers for certain gaps in the biological sciences, and from the grave crisis in the mechanistic view of the universe, an approach that had already been brought into question by the theories of new physics, partly as a result of the Sat® procedure.
From the late 1980s, a number of biologists, working in different directions and different areas of research, tried to understand the generative, formative and regenerative capabilities of living organisms.
They included Hans Spermann, Alexander Gurwitsch, and Paul Weiss. Various names were proposed for the fields: development-related, embryonic, morphogenetic or organizing fields.
The definition proposed by Sheldrake, "morphogenetic fields," is the one that was most successful in terms of communications at a global level.
In other words, morphogenetic fields are, according to this theory, responsible for form and specific organization in systems at all levels of complexity, not just in biology, but also in chemistry and physics.
Quantum physics has been used to formulate the hypothesis that the reason why nature has apparently created all things as separate organisms is concerned more with the observation of nature than with its objectively intrinsic quality. Therefore, the observer's energy and point of view (in other words, his conscience) have come to take on an increasingly important role. However, the nature of their purpose, and how it is performed, is still a subject open to scientific debate. One thing that seems to be clear is that there must be a reality that underlies objective, everyday reality, and that this underlying reality is hidden from view. This type of reality may be accessible to physicists by means of mathematical relationships, but it remains impossible to observe, even though its effects are plainly visible. The expression "quantum field" refers to the current understanding of reality, including this invisible field. Quantum fluctuations regard the effect of this field on the things that we observe in crystallized structures. From this point of view, matter is just crystallized energy, and, as already explained in profound and scientific terms thousands of years ago by Vedic Rishi, and described in classical texts from ancient India or the philosophical systems of Shad Darshana and the Samkhya, thoughts themselves are subtle energy that has not yet crystallized into dimensional form, as if in a potential macromolecular liquid that is ready to sediment and produce crystallized results. In this concept, the mind is part of Prakuti, namely nature and matter, just as are the senses or the objects perceived by the senses, except that they work on different vibrational levels.
The concept according to which the SAT procedure was developed is that organisms are basically the result of a "morphogenetic field," whose nature cannot be precisely determined at the moment. This field has an organizational effect on the flow of substances, activities, and relationships, all of which are intimately interconnected, and which develop during the metamorphic changes that each specific biological extract undergoes.

The principal effect of the "morphogenetic field" can be found in the area of morphology, which determines each product analyzed, and that gives it a degree of similarity, within certain limits, to other components of the same type. In this concept, "form" is therefore the principal characteristic determining specific structures and identifying the role of vital forces. The greater the analogy with forms and energetic fields that are present and can be observed in nature, the higher the SAT quality ascribed, and the greater the identity of the fundamental morphogenetic model on which it is based.
This statement is undoubtedly true for mineral substances, and more specifically for salt molecules. It is well known that each salt molecule is organized into a specific network of inter-atomic bonds that is reproduced exactly at every level of scale.
By means of these bonds, inanimate matter is organized into a modular and unchanging crystalline system, which can be recognized at both macroscopic and microscopic levels (by means of X-ray diffractometry). For example, there are characteristic forms for rock salt, aragonite (calcium carbonate),fluorite, and quartz (silicon dioxide).
In the SAT procedure, the basic crystallization of ordinary, amorphous water has been studied for over ten years and it always shows the same clusterization characteristics, with an almost complete lack of any macromolecular organization except for disorganized precipitates with a low level of vitality. If an organic substance is capable of bringing its own organizing force to bear on inanimate matter, remodelling and reorganizing it according to the substance's own morphological model (primary morphogenetic field), this means that the substance analyzed comprises all the vital and energetic parameters in the same guise and with the same level of activity as it has in nature.
It is nature that encapsulates all the evolutionary morphogenetic models of the various species. For example, even if a tree of a given species will never be exactly the same as another tree of the same species, in any case it is possible to recognize the traits characteristic of that species, leading to the idea that there is a morphogenetic field shared by all the trees of that species. Therefore, if we are looking at a product to be analyzed, such as the dry extract of a plant, or a pure dye or even a wine, the ability to recognize its origin as rendered visible by its crystallographic structure could be compared to a blueprint of its original morphogenetic description. The greater the degree of correspondence with the real situation, the greater the connection with the intrinsic evolutionary and energetic characteristics of the morphogenetic field to which it belongs in nature.
This is why we believe that the SAT method of analysis is capable of revealing a form of production that does not destroy the vital principles in matter, because the respective energetic structures render possible a phenomenon known in quantum physics as field perpetuation. It is as if during the process of extraction or production, the substance's morphogenetic field contracts and is sublimated. This gives rise to a synthesis of the active elements and principles. All that still links the material to its field of origin is part of a phenomenon of primary resonance.
In a case where vital energy or the presence of bioenergy is not present or has been largely drained, the field's vibrational connection is weakened. This would lead to the dominance of forces causing the substance's structure to break down and regress, or to its rectification without crystallization processes.
This is why SAT research is a great challenge for brilliant minds that are always ready to accept different opinions and the concept of change. It is a tool ideal for those who feel that modern science lacks a connection, which we shall call a "missing link", between the invisible and visible world or between the principle that brings life to matter and its exterior forms that can be assessed in terms of beauty and harmony.
To paraphrase Paracelsus: ”Just as a piece of wood contains the image that can be cut from it by a sculptor, or a flint contains the heat that can reveal its identity in the form of a spark when it is struck by a piece of steel, in the same way, matter always seems to contain its own energetic nature.”
by Dr. Kausal C. Cortella, Former Director of the LifevisionLab of Soyana Walter Dänzer, Schlieren-Zürich, Switzerland